Our prices are so low they make other factory outlets look expensive! Arisaematis can offer significantly lower prices than you would pay at a retail store because we:

· Sourcing our products directly from manufacturers around the world.
· Buy in much larger shipments than most retailers to get better prices.
· We do not involve or rely on any intermediaries to source our products.
· Selling our products on the Internet eliminates traditional expensive retail costs.

Many unfortunate shoppers who buy from high-end retail stores needlessly pay huge rent, high overhead and commission-based sales force fees. Imagine shopping at arisaematis where you only pay for what you actually want to buy, meaning there are no other costs associated with the product other than the product itself.

Arisaematis offers the best range of contemporary and classic design electronic scales online at genuine “direct from the manufacturer” prices. We specialize in modern and stylish electronic scales, available in a variety of different styles and colors.

If you have any questions, please visit our FAQ or contact our customer service team: [email protected].